Friday 18 January 2013

Photo Shoot Ideas

We went round and spoke to everyone in the music room, I liked the idea of all of them, there were a few who I wasn't completely sure how I was going to do if I got them.

 I really liked the ideas of Will and Louis. Louis wants black and white photos and I really love to shoot in black and white. Will wants a colourful photo, to do this I would use the gels on the lights.

After we went round and spoke to everyone to get ideas, we got our two clients. I luckily got the two people I wanted so I started to look at photos for the sort of things they wanted.

Will (studio):
  • Live action
  • Simple
  • Coloured lights
  • Standing up
  • Shoot from low angles or on same level
  • Side shots and front on
  • Mid shots, wide shots to then crop
  • Black background
  • Microphone on stand
  • Fog machine
Will wasn't really sure what he wanted, he knew he didn't want black and white, maybe to try with a few of them. He didn't have any photo ideas either, just explained to me that he wanted to be singing and playing his guitar in the shoot. So I then asked him what sort of angles he wanted, whether he just wanted studio or location. I also asked him whether he wanted colours in his shots and whether he wanted any photoshop done to his photographs. I would like to point the gels onto his face to show the colours as if I tried to point them onto the background, it wouldn't have as much effect. I would like to try and get a fog machine for him, but trying to get hold of one might be quite hard. He didn't mind about having a location shot, he was mainly wanting a studio photoshoot. I will try half of the shots without the coloured gels, just in case it doesn't turn out right.

Louis (studio):
  • Standing up and sitting
  • Black and white
  • Shadows
  • Guitar in shot, some without
  • Wide shots and crop
  • Black and white
  • Blurred background, focus on him -manual
  • Christ Church Park or busy town
  • Smoking
Louis had some ideas for what he wanted, he wanted something like Pete Doherty as he really likes him. But apart from that he didn't know what he wanted, accept to have most of them in black and white and not to show his feet. As he would like some smoking shots, I would have to do these on location. Maybe get him up against a wall of some sort or focus it on him so the background is blurred. Even though he wants mainly all black and white, I will shoot them in all colour just in case one would look really nice with colour. I asked him what sort of angles he wanted, if he had any lighting in mind, whether he wanted close ups for mid shots.

Will - After getting more ideas and a vague picture in my head, we went back to our clients and explained what we were going to do. To see whether they were going to like it, or whether they wanted to change something or even if they had thought of anything more. Will had a few more ideas with wanting to do a little bit on location, he said he would like to either hang upside down from a tree or be eating a ice cream. But apart from that, he loved what I was going to do for his shoot.

Louis - I also had a chat with Louis with the ideas that I had, he seemed to really love all of the different angles and poses. He asked for a few photo ideas not to be done as he didn't like that so I noted that done. He decided that he wanted his guitar to be more in the shots as he didn't want them to completely focus on him but also not to take the star light away from him.

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